About David
“I’m a very friendly, playful, and outgoing boy. I enjoy playing sports and video games.”
David is a very sweet, friendly, and outgoing child. He enjoys all kinds of sports, but soccer and baseball are among his favorites. David loves swimming and can spend all day at the pool if allowed. David enjoys going to school. He benefits from supportive services in school. He performs well academically for the most part when receiving one on one support. He has good behavior at home and school, and when he gets off task, re-direction works as a discipline method. David loves to eat, he is not a picky eater, but his favorite meals consist of Hamburgers, Pizza, Mac and Cheese, chicken, and French fries. David would make a great addition to a loving and nurturing forever family who will allow him to be himself.
Family Profile:
David’s forever family will be willing to help him develop trust and build his self-esteem. Also, he would benefit from a two-parent household with a maximum of two children as he requires a lot of love and attention, preferably younger children. His family will have an established system of rewards and consequences for behavior. David will need time to transition to his new home and his forever family will be able to help him make the adjustment. His family will be supportive of continuing current therapies.