11. What is a foster home screening?

A foster home screening (also known as a home study) is a written assessment of your family.  It will be used for CPS to learn more about your family and make the best child/family match. The interview will include all family members and will cover many topics including: Personal and family background Health of each… Read more »

12. What types of children will be placed in my home?

Your child placing agency will discuss your preferences during the approval process. This will be a joint decision based on the strengths, resources and desires of your family.  Factors for the decision will include: lifestyle, home space, support system, parenting style and experience, and your desire.

15. What will it cost to adopt?

CPS does not charge an adoption fee.  You may incur minimal expenses related to getting your home ready.  Families are responsible for legal fees related to the adoption consummation, however if the child is eligible for subsidy, these may be covered.

16. What is Subsidy (Adoption Assistance)?

Subsidy is a program designed to support families adopting children that meet the federal definition of special needs.  It is not intended to replace the adoptive families legal responsibility to meet the needs of the child.  Eligible children are: 6 years old or older 2 years old and a member of a racial or ethnic… Read more »

17. What are the subsidy benefits?

Subsidy benefits vary depending on the need of the child, but may include: Medicaid until the child turns 18 Financial assistance through a small monthly monetary payment College tuition and fees to a state public institution Nonrecurring expenses related to the legal adoption of the child: Court costs Attorney Fees Other fees related to the… Read more »