17. What are the subsidy benefits?

Subsidy benefits vary depending on the need of the child, but may include: Medicaid until the child turns 18 Financial assistance through a small monthly monetary payment College tuition and fees to a state public institution Nonrecurring expenses related to the legal adoption of the child: Court costs Attorney Fees Other fees related to the… Read more »

23. What is disproportionality?

Disproportionality exists when a certain ethnic, racial or cultural group is represented at a higher rate in a system than in the general population. It exists in the Texas Child Welfare System because only 12% of the Texas child population is African-American, while 29% of the children in state conservatorship are African-American. The negative impacts… Read more »

24. What are Minimum Standards?

Minimum Standards are the rules child placing agencies (including CPS) must follow when verifying, approving and supervising foster and adoptive homes. They are regulated by the Child Care Licensing Division of DFPS.

25. I cannot foster or adopt right now but want to help.

Here are some ways you can support foster and adoptive families: Donate to a rainbow room Participate in the Adopt-A-Caseworker Program Assist in recruitment of foster and adoptive families in your community Consider hosting an adoption awareness day at in your community Post the information meeting schedule at your place of employment Donate to foster… Read more »

8. Placement of a child

Once a child has been placed in your home, the adventure is not over! Be prepared to learn more about how to parent a child from a hard place.